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How to Make a Video Compilation for Your YouTube Channel

October 18, 2019
  • 2,286
  • 5 min

Remember all those viral cat video compilations we used to share on social networks back in the day? Well, that kind of content is still a thing. Video mashups have been out there on the internet long before any kind of vlogging was born: they are fun and easy to make, and quite often they have great viral potential. Basically, it’s just a few videos put together and optionally decorated with some basic transitions and effects.

Why Would I Need to Make Video Compilations?

Video compilations are a fun way to piece together multiple pieces of content. Depending on the theme, it can either be just a sequence of videos on one topic or an entire narrative constructed from seemingly disparate elements.

Why Are Video Compilations Popular?

There are practical reasons for their popularity. Basically, they save viewers time and fuss manually searching for videos on a topic they’re interested in, as all the pre-selection work has already been done. Quite often the elements are already edited so that only the relevant action remains. 

What Sort of Videos Can I Compile?

Since its early days, YouTube has been known for its fun video compilations. Say, you want to see the funniest cat videos of 2019 – it’s right there. Or maybe you’re interested in seeing a few segments from a particular show – so you opt for a compilation of the best moments (like this selection of the best jokes by stand-up comedian Michael McIntyre) instead of watching the show all the way through. The same technique is often used when featuring highlights of major events such as the Olympics. When it comes down to it, all professional videographers’ portfolios are actually mashups of their best work.

Can I Specialize in Video Compilations?

Yes, you can dedicate a whole channel to video compilations, as these guys did. But remember that you will have to clear the rights for all copyrighted content unless you are only making compilations of your own work. 

How Do I Clear the Rights?

Always remember that every piece of content out there has an author. Make sure you have the owner’s consent before using someone else’s video in your production. For YouTube, you can try getting away with Fair Use, but this doctrine can only apply to you if you are not planning to monetize your video. Check out our article highlighting the issues of copyright in social media for more detailed information. 

A Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Video Compilation 

1. Define the Topic

No one wants to see a chaotic collection of unrelated videos gathered from across the internet. Try thinking in keywords: how is the viewer going to find your mashup? Perhaps with some specific phrases like “best musical festivals of 2018”? Pick your subject and stick to it. Think of a clear title that will give your audience a good idea of what to expect. Remember to include keywords so they will easily find it. 

2. Gather the Clips

Collect up the material for your compilation. If you’re using third-party content, make sure you’ve done your research thoroughly – you won’t want to showcase the first videos that come up in a Google search, that’s unlikely to be of any interest to your viewers. Try finding something more esoteric and original to make your video compilation stand out.

3. Clear the Rights

As we said, make sure you have the right to use the content, particularly if you are aiming to monetize your channel. 

4. Try to Form a Narrative

This step is optional, as a compilation does not have to be a logical sequence. However, do try experimenting with the words spoken in each segment, movement patterns, shot compositions, and other potential common factors. Sometimes random items can form a coherent storyline when put together – and still remain a compilation. 

5. Edit Your Compilation

Place your assembled clips on the timeline one after the other – that’s about it. Make sure you only include segments viewers need to see. Cut out everything that doesn’t have action or advance the storyline. Compilations are often already long enough that the audience can begin to get bored before they reach the middle, so don’t take up too much of their time. Compilations require very basic montage, so we suggest using simple and user-friendly software like Movavi Video Editor Plus. You’ll probably want to add transitions between the clips. Also, if you’re making a music video compilation, it is useful to add titles at the beginning of each clip with the author and the name of the song. All these things are really easy to do in Movavi Video Editor Plus. Take a look at our quick guides to learn how to add titles and transitions:


Stick to simple effects and graphics to help lead the viewer from one segment to the next, so they have an idea of what is going on in them. Take a look at our Effects Store to find an appropriate theme for your compilation.

Enjoy our special discount for all blog readers!

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Download Movavi Video Editor Plus with 10% discount for Windows

Download Movavi Video Editor Plus with 10% discount for Mac

Movavi Effects Store subscription gives you unlimited access to all our effect packs for a year. Something to experiment with!

6. Export and Upload to YouTube

A little hack for speeding things up: Movavi Video Editor Plus lets you export videos straight to YouTube. When you’re finished with your project, click Export. In the window that opens, choose the Upload online tab and sign in to your YouTube account to upload your video directly from the program.

Video compilations can be a good video editing exercise for beginners and a nice starting point for amateur YouTube vloggers. And, as we said, they are still just as popular as ever. 

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