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How to Monetize your App with Video Content?

November 21, 2022
  • 1,445
  • 6 min

Mobile video content is lately the most preferred format among publishers, advertisers, and even users. By employing them more effectively, publishers may increase their revenue and improve their monetization approach.

Because of their wide creative potential, video advertising is among the most engaging mobile ad types. Smartphone users of all categories continually appreciate videos for amusement or to redeem a rewarded ad.

They’re also the focal point of a mobile advertising plan, with 86% of businesses using video ads for marketing. Any publisher should include video ads in their mobile monetization plan.

Henceforth, mobile video ads are becoming a common ad format used by app publishers to increase their app revenue. According to research, mobile video ads perform much better than non-video ads. In fact, mobile video ad revenue currently accounts for 33% of all app revenue.

Mobile video advertising, in addition to increasing revenue for publishers, provides users with better ad experiences. Users agree that rewarded video advertising is the ideal ad unit, with interstitial video ads a close second.

What are mobile video ads?

Mobile video ads are a type of advertising that uses video footage as a primary component. Video advertisements, being a close relative of mobile display advertising, are adaptable to all form factors, including banners, MRECs (Medium Rectangle Ads), and full-screen interstitials.

Although audio may play a role in creating good mobile video ad creative, many marketers try to create creative that can captivate audiences without it. That’s because some publishers choose to silence non-rewarded advertising until users elect to engage with the placement.

Using video in ad forms that have historically used static ads is a terrific way to stand out and grab users’ attention. Mobile video advertising may be updated or replaced after inactivity when employing video assets in a banner or MREC form factors, providing a larger opportunity to attract consumer attention.

Furthermore, when used in full-screen interstitials, video adverts may be combined with various rich media end cards to provide viewers with a clear and appealing call to action. 

Because they use contemporary web technologies such as HTML5, the possibilities for personalized end cards are nearly unlimited.

Why should one use mobile video content or ads?

Compared to other display formats, videos are continuously eye-catching, lively, and memorable for most consumers. Furthermore, developments in digital technology make it easier than ever to create and distribute video ads.

Most consumers prefer mobile video advertisements to static banners and interstitials across practically all geographies and app categories.

The proliferation of mobile content throughout the web indicates that consumers are more engaged by a medium that allows for the creative interaction of music, motion, text, and, in some cases, interactivity.

It enables businesses, goods, or services to show their value proposition in extensive detail for those willing to put in the effort, which is fantastic news for everyone concerned.

What are the advantages of monetizing with mobile video ads?

Increase mobile video ad revenue

Today, the vast majority of app users do not pay to play. On the other hand, mobile video advertising is an excellent method for monetizing non-paying customers who do not make in-app purchases.

Mobile video ad eCPM (Effective cost per mille) might be among the highest compared to other formats, implying that developers can generate much more revenue by incorporating mobile video advertisements into their monetization plan.

Improve the user experience

A fine balance is required to maximize ad revenue while offering the optimum user experience. In-app video ads are among the most popular ad formats since they are entertaining to watch and engage with.

App publishers may improve user experience by carefully inserting enticing video adverts in their mobile apps when combined with the correct, non-intrusive location.

How much do mobile video advertisements cost on applications and mobile games?

In the United States, mobile video advertising may generate between $2.00 and $13.00 per 1,000 views provided, with higher revenue on iOS than on Android. With these figures, it’s no wonder that video is a critical component of modern mobile advertising.

Depending on your category, video ads may account for much of your app portfolio’s total revenue – not just ad revenue. Mobile games benefit the most from this trend, with ads accounting for more than half of all revenue, while other app genres earn between 25 and 40%.

What are the various mobile video ad formats?

Rewarded video ads

Rewarded video advertising provides viewers with a clear value exchange: they watch a video and receive a reward in exchange. These are critical to a game’s growth strategy, since they allow players to view an in-app video ad and earn prizes in exchange. Users, publishers, and advertisers all benefit from them.

Additionally, it is an ad unit that provides users with a reward in exchange for interacting with an ad – a transparent value exchange. These benefits appear when they are most required and take the shape of in-app cash, premium content, and so on. Publishers profit from rewarded advertisements by improving revenue, user engagement, and retention.

Interstitial ads 

Interstitial video advertisements are full-screen, brief snippets that appear to consumers during natural transitions within an in-app experience. An interstitial ad can monetize apps without interfering with the user experience by acting as a natural transition.

They are popular in gaming applications and other apps with distinct transitions, since these moments provide the ideal opportunity to naturally incorporate these sorts of ads. These are frequently employed more extensively in apps with simpler and less intricate in-game economies.

  • The advantages of interstitial video advertisements

One of the major advantages of interstitial videos is that they are dynamic, providing a more interesting ad experience than static commercials or banner ads.

They also provide less disturbance to users’ app experiences when positioned at natural transition points in the in-app experience. Finally, interstitial video ads have a higher eCPM rate than other ad formats.

Interstitial video advertising, as opposed to banner ads, is more likely to be watched by users since they occur inside the app’s flow and take up the whole screen, meaning marketers will pay more.

Interactive video ads

Interactive video ads are digital advertisements that require user participation and may be viewed on PCs, tablets, and mobile devices.

In other words, it is a video commercial that includes an element of interactivity.

As an example, consider a 360-degree video that the user may control.

Experts predict that in-app video advertising spending will exceed $18 billion by 2021 and that the average adult in the United States will consume two hours and 29 minutes of internet video content daily. In other words, app developers have huge potential.

Final words

Although it is difficult to go wrong with mobile video ads, publishers still want ad partners that can successfully optimize and exploit them. Google Channel partners like AppBroda boost your monetization approach without any SDK and offer quality advertising experiences that increase revenue and thrill users.

Their specialized team of app monetization experts works directly with supply partners to locate the best video placements for your app category, allowing you to maximize your ROI.

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