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Movavi Effects Store Release: Pet Masquerade Sticker Pack!

  • 1,046
  • 1 min

If internet user statistics are to be believed, nothing beats pet videos. Cats and dogs have conquered the web, and the Movavi team is in full support! How can one not love our furry friends? We too are crazy about sharing photos and videos of our pets, and we’re clearly not alone in this hobby.

That’s why we’ve created a Pet Masquerade Sticker Pack 🙂 With the help of these jokey masks and fun hats, you can make cute videos and silly greetings for your friends and family. These 20 stickers can transform your pet into a snappy dresser with glasses, ties, fake eyebrows, mustache, even a nice scarf – in short, everything you need to spiff-up your furry companion (or anyone else!)

Have fun, it’s Pet Masquerade!

Learn more about this new pack in the Movavi Effects Store

Need some tips on how to use this pack? Find them in our video:

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