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Print-On-Demand: How And Why It Works

February 18, 2022
  • 3,165
  • 5 min

If you’re looking for a way to start making money with a small business or want to start a low-effort side business, print-on-demand could be what you’re looking for. Print-on-demand (POD) is a growing trend in eCommerce, and it’s easy to see why. With no minimum order quantities and quick turnaround times, it’s the perfect way to sell your products all over the world. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what POD is and how you can jump on the trend to make money.

What is POD? 

Print-on-demand is a way of manufacturing products where the order quantity depends on actual customer demand. In other words, POD allows you to print and produce items one at a time as orders are received rather than in bulk. This makes it the perfect option for small businesses or anyone looking to start a side hustle since there’s no need to invest in large inventory quantities. Your supplier also handles the production and shipping of your products.

How does POD work? 

You first have to create a design or artwork you want to sell and find a supplier that offers global print-on-demand services. There are many different suppliers, so do your research and find one that fits your needs. One that comes to mind is Printful, which offers a suite of tools and other supplementary services for free. Once you’ve found a supplier, you’ll need to create an account and upload your design(s).

The supplier will then print your design onto the item of your choice – for example, T-shirts, coffee mugs, cosmetics packaging, or phone cases. When someone orders a product, the supplier will print it and ship it out. You don’t have to deal with shipping or have a huge product warehouse. POD businesses are primarily hands-off, and your biggest concern is marketing and design work.

How do I make a profit with POD? 

The great thing about POD is that you set your prices and profit from each sale. The business model is so easy that all you need to know is how much the POD supplier charges you and how much you’re charging from the client. Then, after a small calculation, you have your profit!

Here are the main steps how you make money from POD: 

  1. Customer places an order in your store. Let’s imagine the retail price is 25$. 
  2. Your order goes to your POD supplier. You pay them a wholesale price of 15$. 
  3. The supplier prints the product with your design.
  4. The supplier then ships the product to the customer.
  5. Finally, your customer receives the product. You get to keep 10$ of profit with each order.

Why should I use POD? 

Thee are many reasons why you should consider using print-on-demand for your small business or side hustle. Here are a few main reasons:

– No minimum order quantities – You can order as few or as many items as you like, making it the perfect option for small businesses or anyone starting out.

– Quick turnaround times – Most suppliers offer quick turnaround times, so your customers won’t have to wait long for their products to arrive. The faster the shipping, the more people buy, which means more money in your pockets.

– Worldwide distribution – With no need to invest in inventory, you can sell your products all over the world.

– Low-cost – Print-on-demand is a low-cost way to start a business and sell products. 

How can I get started with POD? 

Everyone can get started with POD, and it doesn’t require a significant initial investment. Read this article for step-by-step instructions on creating your first products, setting up your shop, and doing marketing. 

In conclusion, print-on-demand is a great way to start making money with your own small business or side hustle. With no minimum order quantities, quick turnaround times, and worldwide distribution, it’s the perfect option for entrepreneurs of all levels. So what are you waiting for? Start designing and selling today!

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