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Best Websites to Upload Videos

  • 14,265
  • 3 min

As the number of video-sharing sites increases, figuring out the best way to share your videos on the Web can be confusing. But don’t worry – we’ve done the hard work for you.

Accepted file formats differ from service to service – some even recommend a particular video format and resolution to achieve the best online quality. In our charts, you’ll find the required formats and characteristics of each site.

Where to Share Videos:
Video-Hosting Services at a Glance

We compared the different platforms based on their popularity, ease of use, file size limitations, format flexibility, and options to download, publish, or podcast your videos. Then, we grouped the sites according to the benefits they offer their visitors.

Best Sites for Publishing Entertainment Videos

If you’re looking for big viewer numbers, you’re in the right place. The sites below are huge entertainment destinations with loads of community features and video distribution options.

Best Sites for Sharing Home Videos with Family and Friends

“What if I just want to share home videos with my family and friends?” you ask. You’re probably looking for easy registration and navigation as well as posting and downloading options. The sites below have long-established reputations for providing flexible, easy-to-use services.

Best Sites for Monetizing Your Videos

If you want to monetize your original content, check out the sites below. And if you’re looking for video hosting services for your blog or business website, check out this article.

There are also many other platforms offering video-hosting services – like, MySpace Videos, JayCut, Revver, Viddler, and Videosprout. We haven’t included them here because they are less popular, but you can still check them out – some of them may be just what you’re looking for.

A final note of caution: don’t ignore the small print. Look through the sites’ Terms of Use. Most free video-sharing services grant themselves a license to monetize and advertise your uploaded content any way they can, which is no help to you if you’re trying to earn money from your videos.

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