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5 Ways to Build Your Marketing Brand Engagement

December 21, 2022
  • 3,142
  • 10 min

There is fierce competition in the market among brands. With easy access to technology and resources, more businesses are popping up. This means that customers have more options for a product than ever before.

 In B2B, this presents both a challenge and an opportunity for your organization. You will need to steer up your marketing efforts and user engagement to grow your sales and bring in more business.

 Brand engagement presents a unique method of accomplishing this task. By increasing your brand engagement, you will not only keep your old customers, but also bring in new ones.

 Whether you are a small business or operating on a large scale, you can incorporate brand engagement strategies into your marketing efforts in a few simple steps. Find out more about marketing brand engagement, why you need it, and five tips to increase brand loyalty and customer awareness. 

What is brand engagement, and why do you need it?

Brand engagement is the proportion or percentage of customer engagement with your brand. It encompasses the connection and loyalty a customer feels toward a particular brand. The more loyal and connected a customer is with your brand, the more they will talk about it, buy products from you, post about your business, engage with your social media page, and refer others to your business.

 Brand engagement comes in several forms. Despite this, the final result achieved through this customer-centric strategy is almost always the same.


When done right, brand engagement strategies lead to greater customer retention through an improved customer experience. This customer retention and loyalty results in repeated business.

 With improved customer experience, your customers will spread the word about your brand. This will help increase brand engagement both online and offline, which will also help improve sales.

 You will also be able to introduce better products due to all the customer feedback coming your way. Brand engagement is the key to company growth, so make sure to incorporate it into your marketing strategy.

How to increase brand engagement in 5 different ways

Here are five strategies to help you grow brand engagement for your business growth:

1. Add value to your customer experience

When you are running a business, you may think it is all about sales and business offerings. But keeping your brand all about sales and offers will decrease brand engagement, affecting your customer experience. Therefore, if you want to increase brand engagement, focus on providing value to your customers. Only a tiny part of your social media should be dedicated to promoting your business offerings.

 Instead, focus on posting informative content related to your industry, such as helpful videos, how-to posts, facts, explanatory articles, and other content intended to offer solutions to customers.

 Being genuinely helpful will increase user engagement and promote your business as an authentic source of products, thereby increasing brand loyalty.

2. Leverage social media for brand engagement

Most people have a love-hate relationship with social media. Traditional marketing strategies are still common, which might tempt you to discard the idea of creating a social media presence. However, in today’s world of digitalization, social media has become a necessary evil if you want to increase brand engagement.

 A lot of businesses do just the bare minimum. They create pages on different platforms and wait for customers to like their pages on their own. If you want more brand engagement, you have to go beyond that. You must bring life to your pages by showing up daily and adding value. You can take advantage of an online tool like Placeit to easily create assets for your branding campaign and leverage the efforts on your social media strategy.

 Keep posting to your social media channels and encourage customer engagement through conversations on these posts. This is even more important when you consider that about 71% of people make their final buying decision after seeing the product on social media. It’s also worth noting that conversion from social media is not always instantaneous. For instance, 65% of people purchase a product at a later date after seeing it on social media.

 One vital point is to keep in mind before building brand engagement on social media. You don’t need to be present on every imaginable social platform. Instead, experiment and choose a few platforms that resonate with your brand, where you get the highest customer engagement.

3. Use intelligent social media strategies

Now that you have a social media presence, it is time to build smart customer engagement strategies. There are several ways to interact and develop a presence on social media. But not all of them are great for increasing brand engagement. You have to focus more on strategies that can improve your brand engagement.

 One such strategy is posting stories to your Instagram regularly. Instagram stories are short snippets you can post that disappear after a few hours. These usually witness a higher view rate and engagement rate when compared to posts. However, be careful to consider the Instagram video length to entertain and captivate users’ engagement.

 This high engagement on Instagram stories could be because people can respond to them immediately without moving up and down to comment. There is a whole panel of quick responses available with emojis as well.


 Besides Instagram stories, giveaways, and contests tend to draw high brand engagement and lead to a better customer experience.

 Giveaways and contests generate conversation around the post, as people have to tag their friends and family to participate. Likewise, there are also requirements to participate in these fun activities, such as commenting on a post about a favorite book or sharing a cherished memory. 

 These questions and requirements increase the number of comments on the post, increasing brand engagement. You can also hold polls, surveys, and Q/As across social media channels, as people like giving feedback and choosing between options.

 Holding live sessions on different social platforms is another considerable way of increasing brand engagement. You can invite a popular guest to the live session to build excitement. Keep your social media strategies fun, light, and centered around the customer for optimal brand engagement. 

4. Build brand loyalty with user-generated content

People are more likely to view and trust content created by users rather than the brand. Therefore, incorporating user-generated content into your brand engagement strategy results in higher customer engagement and brand loyalty.

 User-generated content is a brilliant brand engagement strategy, as it promotes your products while providing entertaining content for your social media page.

 One way to generate content from users is by holding contests. You can prompt users to take a picture or video with your product to be a part of a contest with a special prize, like a tour to an exotic place.

 And if you are a service-based business, you can ask your audience to create videos with a theme matching your industry. For example, if you are a travel company, you can ask participants to make a video of their most adventurous trip to date and use your hashtag.

 This contest can be posted across social media platforms using your business hashtags. You can take in entries and announce winners at the end. As you see, this is a sure-shot way to increase brand engagement.

5. Ask your community for their feedback

Your customers will value your brand more when you show them they are essential to your business. And the best way to do that is through customer feedback.

 Ask users to give feedback on your products and what improvements they would like to see. This will help you churn out better-quality products and impress your customers. User feedback also helps increase engagement as people are talking about your brand.

Extra: Bet for video branding 

To strengthen your branding strategy, rely on the massive power of videos. Nowadays, this type of content is loved among consumers worldwide. The reason? Videos are easy to consume, and you can cover and explain much, but in a dynamic and digestible way. In fact, for branding purposes, many companies are using videos to share their brand story, values, vision, and, what’s more, to humanize it. Moreover, if you’re focused on conversions, good news! Videos will help your brand increase your SEO rank and drive more conversions. 

So, if you plan to incorporate this video branding strategy, here are some tips for nailing it: 

  • Set a goal. Not every video has to sell; some videos focus on presenting a more emotional side of the brand or sharing a great story. However, whatever the video is, ensure to determine a realistic and measurable objective to align all your efforts. 
  • Learn about your audience. Not only in videos, but it’s essential to understand who your target is to create incredible and meaningful videos for them. 
  • Establish your tone and style. Here it is all about being congruent with your writing and visual style. That way, people will know what your brand is about at a glance. 
  • Let your viewers know what you want them to do. Provide clear instructions to your viewers at the beginning or the end. For example, visit our website, download the app, or fill out the form. 
  • Be consistent. Last but not least, video isn’t something you do once. It would be best if you compromise yourself to keep creating and posting engaging videos to get better results. 

If you’re running out of ideas, and you’re creating vertical videos, take advantage of these 20 TikTok Ideas for Your Brand.

How to measure brand engagement

The best way to measure brand engagement depends on the platform in use.

Social media posts work on likes, shares, and comments. These numbers offer a fine picture of the engagement rate. To measure visits to your website or store, get analytics tools like Google Analytics. These tools help you see real-time conversion rates and more.


 For email campaigns, the engagement rate depends on the number of opened emails and replies. At the same time, you can measure the success rate of email engagement through email analytics tools

Sometimes to measure brand engagement, you have to focus on the company. Internal brand engagement shows how the company’s stakeholders interact with the business’s ethics, values, missions, and vision. The more cohesion there is, the better engagement you will be able to create with customers.

Wrapping it up 

Brand engagement is the secret to soaring your sales and getting your brand to become popular on a huge level. Nurturing a community of users who engage with your brand on different platforms takes time and patience. And it all starts with your brand genuinely trying to help out. Be consistent, and you will see the results soon enough.

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